Thursday, December 29, 2011

British Prime Minister to Run The Nation from 'Personalized' iPad App

Now we can really say there's an app for everything.

British Prime Minister David Cameron is more than just an iPad fan. He's among the new breed of statesmen dubbed "iPad leaders" - political figures and heads of state who use Apple's touchscreen tablet to conduct business and direct their respective ships of state.

The British Telegraph reports that David Cameron's "personalized iPad app" will help the Prime Minister more efficiently and accurately do his job. According to the report, the app will "allow the Prime Minister to see the latest NHS waiting-figures, crime statistics, unemployment numbers and a wide variety of other data at a glance."

"Other data" was not said to include sports scores, Lady Gaga videos, or fashion reports on what Victoria Beckham is wearing on any given day.

Unlike his predecessor Gordon Brown, who had a secure e-mail address linked with the government network, Mr Cameron prefers to receive papers on which he can write notes which can then be reviewed by staff. Mr. Cameron does, however, stay in informal contact with MPs and advisers via text message.
The personalized app in question is being prepared with oversight from the Cabinet Office and is expected to be ready for the British leader by March. In case you're wondering, the idea for the app "came from a trip by advisers to the US."

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