Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cydia Gets Updated to Version 1.1.3

Cydia has been updated with the new jailbreak.

This morning voices around the world cheered as hacker pod2g and the Chronic Dev Team whipped up an untethered jailbreak for all A4 devices and older running iOS 5.0.1. The untethered jailbreak was released in two forms - one of which was the new redsn0w 0.9.10b1 and the other was the Cydia package known as Corona that could be installed while you had the tethered jailbreak to untether your iDevice. As most probably simply restored the device to start fresh with a new jailbreak - you probably noticed something different at the bottom of Cydia, or you may not have, and that would be that it has been updated from version 1.1.1 to version 1.1.3.

Cydia, by Jay Freeman (Saurik), is likely the greatest single solitary thing about jailbreaking. It's a powerful application installer engine and an online store that holds a huge library of jailbreak developer creations. Some are free and some are paid but in the end they all serve one purpose and that's to make your iDevice do things that you know Apple would never permit you to do. With Cydia being updated today, you are probably wondering what's different. After all, the interface looks exactly the same and nothing appears to have changed.

The changes in Cydia version 1.1.3 have to do with internal fixes. With no change-log available for public viewing, nothing huge was introduced in the Cydia 1.1.3 update. There were some minor changes, bug fixes, improvements in functionality, and some small security patches, but there are no known new features illuminated in Cydia 1.1.3 yet. From first judgement, it feels a little more fluid and quicker at loading things - maybe that has something to do with the update that we've seen this morning. Of course, with a new jailbreak, updating Cydia to work with it is always necessary.

If you used the Corona patch to get the iOS 5.0.1 untethered jailbreak then you will be able to download the Cydia version 1.1.3 update from the changes tab - it will pop up as an essential update. If you went the route that I did and you completely restored the device to start from a clean slate, then you will have noticed that Cydia was installed as the updated version automatically - you won't need to apply any updates or changes to it.

Have you noticed anything different in the new Cydia? Share in the comments.

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