Tuesday, December 27, 2011

iPad 3 Home Button Surfaces

9to5Mac has procured a comparison—pictured above—between the iPad 2 and iPad 3 home button. Let the iPad 3 component speculation continue.

Only so much can be gleaned from a deep, deep inspection of the iPad 3 home button pictured above. But, a few things do jump out. The rounded square glyph plastered in the center of the button is slightly thicker on the iPad 3. The internal structuring on the back of of the iPad 3 is smaller than the connector on the iPad 2. Most importantly, the iPad 3 still has a home button.

Rumors claiming Apple is planning to get rid of the home button on their iDevices have been popular lately, and it looks like they won't be realized with the iPad 3. With a large quantity of home buttons circulating the Internets and the inventory of component resellers it appears Apple is pretty far into the production process. Whether the smaller home-button footprint is the result of Apple squeezing room out of the iPad 3 chassis to make room for the rumored to be thicker retina display has yet to be seen.

Still, the speculation is tempting. IPad 3 volume rockers and power buttons similar to the iPad 2 surfaced earlier this year indicating that the iPad 3 might not include many design changes. The inclusion of a home button isn’t unexpected, but will kill the hopes of those wishing for a major redesign of the iPad with its coming iteration.

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